hand sanitizerWaterless Hand Sanitizer and How They Work Well | No Scars

July 19, 2021by admin0

The current scenario has made us realize the importance of our health. Earlier, we were ignoring our health and were paying attention to all other tasks except this. But nowadays, when we are living our life in this global pandemic scenario, we are very well known how lucky we are if we are healthy. But sometimes, the basics of being healthy are taught in childhood teaching only. After growing, we again forget to keep those learning with us. This means the ritual of hand washing is conducted to everyone from the very beginning.

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Here also, we can survive healthily if we start following the ritual of hand washing or keeping our hands clean. Hand hygiene is something that we cannot ignore in any case. You all have heard about hand sanitizers as they are also known as water hand sanitizers & have become an integral part of our daily routine. We cannot think of stepping out without the waterless hand sanitizers as in the case we didn’t have water to wash our hands; what will we do in this situation. Only hand sanitizers can work as a wonder. 


Waterless hand sanitizer: Before beginning with this, we must first understand the concept of waterless hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizers are dry mixtures in which alcohol is mixed with other ingredients that are softer or harder. The ingredients like Aloe Vera, etc., are used in the waterless hand sanitizers that help keep our hands nourished but not dry. It is the best alternative to washing hands, and many a time, there is a situation when we cannot wash hands instantly. But we can hand sanitize it like after touching bus door, money, lift button, public washroom, etc. 


Alcoholic content: Hand sanitizers must have at least sixty percent alcohol to be effective enough to kill germs. The waterless hand sanitizers, which have less than sixty percent alcoholic content, will not be that effective in killing germs. The No Scars hand sanitizer rub contains about 70% alcohol that kills ninety-nine percent germs in one go. It’d be best if you kept the hand sanitizers in your pocket, bag, office, car, two-wheeler, etc., so that you can use them instantly. 


Who invented it first? 

We need to know the inventor of the waterless hand sanitizers that are saving our lives. The concept of waterless hand sanitizers is not something new. They were invented in the year 1946 by a couple known by the name Goldie and Jerry Lippman. It was designed for the workers who work in rubber factories and need to kill the germs after work. It was called Gojo, and it was usually used to take away the grease from the hands. 


The ingredients used in the hand Sanitizer:

Some essential ingredients are usually used in waterless hand sanitizers. All of them are not essential but are used. These are:

  • Alcohol: This is one of the essential ingredients used to develop waterless hand sanitizer rub. Without this, the sanitizer is not complete and will not be effective. It is the vital ingredient that kills germs. Either ethanol or isopropanol is used in this. It operates as a process that aims at changing the state of the chemical makeup of the germs before they can do any harm. 
  • Extracts of the leaves: The extracts of the leaves are also used to develop hand sanitizers. There can be any leaf extract as it can be the choice of the manufacturer. The commonly used extracts of leaves in it are mint, rosemary, hazel, and Aloe Vera. There is a specific reason behind using these leaf extracts as they all hold some or other unique property that makes them an essential ingredient that should be added. For example, the hazel consists of healing properties, Aloe Vera, nourishing, anti-bacterial properties, etc. 
  • The petroleum jelly: Earlier the petroleum jelly was used in waterless hand sanitizers to help keep your hands safe. Most people experienced the problem of dryness when they started using hand sanitizers. That is why to keep the issue of dry hands away; petroleum jelly was used. It helps in retaining the correct moisture content. 
  • Glycerin: You may have heard about glycerin being used in many beauty care products. It is colourless and contains no odour or smell. It also possesses some anti-microbial properties, and that is why it is used. Even No Scars soap uses glycerin as an active ingredient so that it can keep your hands healthy. Not only in the waterless sanitizers, but it is also a part of many ointments. 
  • Vitamin E: It is one of the ingredients in most beauty care products, creams, medicines, etc. It is also used to boost immunity. Our body must have the required amount of vitamin e. 


You may have a question that Does these waterless hand sanitizers even work? And the obvious answer to this is yes if they are used correctly. This means if you have to use the right amount, brand, and alcoholic content hand sanitizer like No Scars, it will work. Here are some points that you should do to ensure that it must work:


  • Keeping hands grease-free: Your hands must be clean and should not have grease, mud, or other particles on them. The hands that are clean enough can use hand sanitizers as greasy or wet hands will not allow the hand sanitizer rub to absorb and work properly. 
  • Always use the right amount: You need to know about the right amount of hand sanitizer to pour on your palm. It is always advisable to run it on your palm only and not on your fingers or thumb. Don’t over pour the hand sanitizer as it is a wastage and never pour too little. If you think only one drop is enough, then you are wrong. It will be proportionately to the size and length of your hands. 
  • Rubbing both hands: After pouring the hand sanitizer with No Scars on your palm, you must start rubbing both hands and not one or the half. Make sure you have covered every part of your hand, including front, back, fingers, thumbs, etc.
  • Give time for absorption: If you think your hand sanitizer will absorb as soon as you pour, then you are wrong. It’d be best if you gave it time to absorb in your skin so that it can start its work. Make them absorbed well and rub till they get interested in your skin. 


Now, you must know that hand sanitizer is something without which we cannot save ourselves from germs, bacteria, or viruses. So, by doing these above-discussed things, your hand sanitizers will work like magic to you. Make the proper use of the No Scars hand sanitizer to keep yourself and your family safe and healthy.


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No Scars is a product from Torque Pharmaceuticals, which aims to offer quality products for making the lives of people better. Each product is manufactured to meet customer expectations and help in living a better life. Commitment to excellence and continuous innovation backed by research and development is our objective. NO SCARS aims to offer you flawless skin free without any expensive treatments. It leaves the skin glowing and fresh and makes you an instant head-turner.

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