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Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation.
December 19, 2019

Skin is the body’s outermost covering and needs to be protected to look good and feel good. To do so, one needs to take care of the skin. Daily routine, lifestyle, habits, food, etc., all affect the skin. One may have a positive or negative impact depending upon these factors. Thus for glowing and shining...

December 19, 2019

A large number of people are facing facial skin-related issues nowadays. Sometimes they are painful, or sometimes they are painless, but both stress levels are the same. This is the biggest reason people do not feel confident in their social interactions, directly influencing their confidence and personality. People go with several treatments and want to...

December 9, 2019

Everyone hates skin problems. The main reason behind this is that they make your skin look bad, the most visible part of the human body. Skin problems lower the confidence of the people and their esteem. Thus, skin problems impact the appearance of a person’s skin and influence a person’s psychological health. Oily skin is...

December 4, 2019

It is the desire of every woman, especially those ageing, to have smooth, tender skin, something they had when young. As the person ages, her skin starts to lose its shine, and wrinkles appear, the first signs noticed on the face and neck. Even pollution and other environmental aspects and stress may cause your skin...

December 2, 2019

Beautiful, young-looking skin is what everyone will love to have. But with age, men and women start to develop wrinkles on their skin, which is more evident in the face and neck region! For this reason, Collagen is considered essential for your skin, and you need to know how to include it in your existing...

December 2, 2019

Inflammation has become a ubiquitous term in skincare and health care for the sole reason that it has a significant role in several diseases and injuries. With each growing day, the researchers are uncovering the link between infection and inflammation. In the case of inflammation, it becomes essential and urgent to reduce inflammation since it...

December 2, 2019

Whethermelanin can be reduced from your face or any part of the skin, it becomes essential to understand melanin and the various factors that could lead to melanin production. It is a pigment occurring in our bodies that colours our eyes, hair, and, most importantly, our skin. When somebody has dark skin, it is said...

No Scars
About No Scars
About No Scars

No Scars is a product from Torque Pharmaceuticals, which aims to offer quality products for making lives of people better. Each product is manufactured to meet customer expectation and help in living a better life.

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No Scars is a product from Torque Pharmaceuticals, which aims to offer quality products for making the lives of people better. Each product is manufactured to meet customer expectations and help in living a better life. Commitment to excellence and continuous innovation backed by research and development is our objective. NO SCARS aims to offer you flawless skin free without any expensive treatments. It leaves the skin glowing and fresh and makes you an instant head-turner.

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