men face washNo Scars Facewash with Neem ExtractNo Scars facewash | No Scars

November 2, 2019by admin0

In the modern era, we as humans are suffering a lot of problems related to our skin. All people hate each type of skin problem. But there is worse about the problem of oily skin. It feels irritating to have oily skin, especially in the Indian climate, making it even more irritating. It affects our appearance and makes us conscious about it when confronting others in our daily social lives. Oily skin is the result of too much sebum creation by the sebaceous glands present in the skin. Sebum is an oily and waxy substance, which keeps the skin hydrated. It is, however, vital for keeping our skin in its healthy condition. But too much sebum creation can result in excessively oily skin. Today, in this post, we will discuss the significant symptoms of having oily skin and discuss the suitable measures you can use to tackle the problem. The symptoms and the measures will be mainly for the men. We will also be suggesting an influential men’s face wash. So, without wasting much of the time, let’s get started.

Symptoms of the problem

Though it may appear to you the other symptoms of having oily skin apart from the skin is oily, the thing is that sometimes people don’t consider it a problem when their skin appears oily to them. Moreover, by knowing about all these symptoms, you can make sure that whether your oily skin issue is that serious or not. Following are the significant symptoms, which will help you to address the severity of the oily skin issue: –

  • A greasy/shiny appearance: This is the most apparent symptom of oily skin. If your skin appears greasy or shiny to others even from an average distance, then the oily skin issue is something you need to take care of. If your skin appears greasy even in the indoor environment to others, then it’s an issue about which you should think.
  • Larger pores of the skin: People who usually have oily skin or may be suffering from this problem usually tend to have larger pores in their skin. These pores enable the skin to eject more oil and make your skin an oily layer.
  • Thick or rough-looking skin: When your skin has to keep the oil on itself for a more extended period, it makes the skin a bit rough or thick. You can notice this symptom by holding your cheek with two of your fingers, and you will be able to feel whether you possess this symptom or not.
  • Pimples: A person facing the problem of oily skin usually also suffers from persistent or occasional pimples. Oily skin is more prone to acne or pimples because of a lot of reasons.
  • Blackheads or clogged pores: One other symptom that you can typically find to check whether you are suffering from the oily skin issue or not is to observe whether you are having blackheads or clogged pores. If yes, then your problem of oily skin should not be ignored, and you must take some appropriate steps to get rid of this problem.

These were some of the significant symptoms you can find if you are suffering from a noticeable oily skin issue. If you find even 2-3 symptoms from the ones discussed above, you should immediately address them.

Suitable remedies for dealing with the oily skin problem

Some several measures/actions can be taken by a person suffering from a problem of this kind. The following are the remedies that can be used easily to get rid of this issue. These are:

  • Wash your face regularly: Washing your face regularly can help you to deal with the issue. While washing your face, you should use warm water and gentle soap. Moreover, it would help avoid the soap with solid fragrances, harsh chemicals, and added moisturizers. Using products including these products can make your skin more dried out, resulting in more sebum creation. Moreover, you should also avoid using rough washcloths and loofahs.
  • Using a toner: Alcohol containing toners can dry out your skin. That’s why according to many studies, you should rely upon natural toners such as Witch hazel, which will leave a soothing effect on your skin. Witch hazel can be considered the best natural toner mainly because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Many people with oily skin are using this to get rid of their oily layer, and guess what they are getting visible results. Astringent toners are the kind of products, which do not work for everyone as some people start feeling itchiness or tingling when they use astringent toners.
  • Always pat to dry your face: After washing your face, you should pat it gently with a soft towel instead of rubbing the towel all-around your face in a harsh way. If you use the latter, your skin will start creating more sebum, thus resulting in more oil.
  • Using medicated pads and blotting papers: Many companies in the market offer blotting papers, which is a helpful product for people facing oily skin. Blotting paper is paper that absorbs the excess oil from the skin. Blotting paper does not reduce the problem of excessive sebum production, but it can suck out the excess oil from your skin so that it does not appear that much greasy the whole of the day.
  • Facial masks: Some facial masks can help people to deal with oily skin problems. One of the most effective ones is the clay mask. There are some minerals present in the clay mask, like bentonite and smectite, which helps absorb the oil from the skin and also help in reducing the level of sebum from the skin. This face mask should be used occasionally only. Honey face masks are the other types of face masks that can be used and benefited from. Many studies have been conducted in recent years, proving that honey has antiseptic and antibacterial qualities. You can use the honey face mask to reduce the impact of the oil on your skin and also help in making it soft and glowing.

These are some of the best remedies that can be used to deal with the problem of oily skin. However, we will give you a bonus remedy. If you want to get rid of your oily skin and get quick results, you can use the No Scars face wash. It is one of the best men’s face wash for oily skin. It is gentle on the skin and reduces the signs of oily skin as well. Many face washes are available in the market, but most of them are loaded with harsh chemicals, which can temporarily eliminate the problems, but not for the long term. Additionally, they can cause other skin issues such as redness or other visible side effects. But this is not the case with NoScars face wash, as it is considered one of the safest options among the face washes present in the market.


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No Scars is a product from Torque Pharmaceuticals, which aims to offer quality products for making the lives of people better. Each product is manufactured to meet customer expectations and help in living a better life. Commitment to excellence and continuous innovation backed by research and development is our objective. NO SCARS aims to offer you flawless skin free without any expensive treatments. It leaves the skin glowing and fresh and makes you an instant head-turner.

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