No scars soapSoapAlmond Oil Soap Benefits | No Scars

December 19, 2019by admin0

Skin is the body’s outermost covering and needs to be protected to look good and feel good. To do so, one needs to take care of the skin. Daily routine, lifestyle, habits, food, etc., all affect the skin. One may have a positive or negative impact depending upon these factors.

Thus for glowing and shining skin, one must follow skincare routine:-

  • Cleanse

Cleaning the skin is essential to remove dust and other particles from the face, which clogs the pores.

  • Exfoliate

Exfoliation is an essential step in the skincare routine. It removes the dead skin, though one may not exfoliate daily. It is advisable to exfoliate on alternate days or three days a week.

  • Moisturize

It is essential to apply a cream that moisturizes your skin. Even oily skin needs moisturizing.

Knowing skin type is essential to choosing the correct skincare routine because the correct skincare routine will ultimately result in healthy skin. There are four common skin types:-

  • Normal skin

This is well-balanced skin.

  • Oily skin

This skin type contains a high level of sebum production.

  • Dry skin

This skin type produces a low level of sebum production.

  • Combination skin

This skin is a combination of dry as well as oily skin. It consists of oily T-zone and normal to dry cheeks.

If one is not sure about skin type, then take a test at home. It measures the sebum production levels. Follow the below-mentioned steps:-

  • Wash your face and pat it dry.
  • Now softly press the tissue paper or blotting paper onto the face.
  • Take this sheet or tissue in the light to check the transparency.

Test results:-

  • The less transparent paper results in dry skin type.
  • The more transparent paper results in an oily skin type.
  • Not too oily or not too dry paper results in a typical skin type.
  • Oil spots at different parts of tissue mean combination skin type.

Acne is one problem almost everyone faces once in their lifetime, especially during puberty resulting in redness on the face, cracking of the skin, dryness near the pimple area, etc.

Common causes for acne include:-

  • Pollution

The effect of the environment should be considered. Air pollution puts a thick layer on the skin consisting of dust, dirt, UV radiations, and other chemicals that clog the pores, causing acne. However, it is still not scientifically proven that UV rays can cause acne, but it is undoubtedly known that increased exposure to UV rays can cause skin cancer. Thus it might have an impact on acne as well.

  • Inaccurate Products

Using wrong products on the skin can increase the risk of acne problems. Products to be used should always be by the skin type. E.g., if someone has dry skin, one should use oil-based products.

  • Stress

Research shows that stress plays a huge role in acne problems especially chronic stress by creating an environment for bacteria resulting in acne.

  • Hormonal Changes

Imbalance in the menstrual cycle is the leading cause of hormonal changes that causes acne. Increase production level of progesterone in females and increase the production level of androgens in males, increasing sebum production resulting in acne.

  • Some food items

Certain people have specific food allergies causing rashes and acne. The important thing is to pay attention to what causes such disturbances in the skin, try to cut them out for a few days, and then check again.

Here are some home remedies for skincare:-

  • Use olive oil

Olive oil works as a cleanser as well as a moisturizer, especially for dry skin. Just apply olive oil on clean skin and massage into the skin for a few minutes and then wrap the warm damp cloth around it for some time and then rub the extra oil off the skin.

  • Use milk

It is beneficial for irritating as well as itchy skin because it contains anti-inflammatory properties. For beautiful results, one should use this minimum of 5-10 minutes daily.

  • Aloe Vera

It is a remedy for sunburned skin and works great to avoid dryness, especially during winters. It reduces pimples, breakouts and reduces the sign of ageing.

  • Oatmeal and honey

Make an oatmeal honey mask at home. Add honey, oatmeal, and water to a bowl. Mix it up and apply it to the skin either by rubbing it or simply applying a layer of this paste on the skin and leaving it until it dries. It works wonders as oatmeal acts as an exfoliator, and honey soothes the skin. It hydrates the skin.

  • Egg whites and lemon

Both of these ingredients work best for oily skin. It helps to tighten the skin. The acid in lemon soaks the excess oil. However, it is not great for people who have egg allergies.

  • Washing your face

It is essential to wash the face twice a day simply with water for people with oily skin but not overdo it. Avoid using a chemical face wash and harsh soaps on the skin.

  • Tomatoes

Tomatoes help to reduce acne as well as soak excess oil from the skin. It also helps to open the clogged pores. Add one tomato and one teaspoon of sugar in a bowl, mix well and apply onto the face as a face mask. Leave it for 5 minutes, and then remove this mask with warm water.

Prevention of skincare problems:-

One of the essential factors in a skincare routine is keeping the skin healthy and intact without any problems such as dryness, allergies, breakouts, acne, etc. Skin is the outermost protective layer of the body that needs to be defended. No Scars offer such a soap that prevents skin infections and allergies and helps maintain personal hygiene. Its almond oil soap keeps the skin clean and also helps in improving overall health.

No scar soap contains the following ingredients:-

  • Glycerine

It keeps the skin hydrated and prevents it from dryness. It acts as a moisturizer and smoothens skin. It is recommended for all skin types.

  • Almond oil

This oil consists of vitamin A and vitamin E, which has the immense power to hydrate your skin. It helps in the process of cell regeneration and helps in eliminating the dead cells.

  • Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera consists of vitamin A, C, E, folic acid, B1, B2, B3, and B6 and minerals calcium, zinc, sodium, iron, and copper. Being rich in minerals and vitamins, aloe vera prevents signs of ageing.

  • Coco fatty acid

It smoothens the skin. It consists of coconut oil which retains the moisture intact and helps in rejuvenating the skin.

  • Citric acid

This is helpful in the exfoliation of the skin. This makes the skin better, healthier, and younger.


It is essential to look after your skin because, ultimately, healthy skin results in a healthy lifestyle. This can only be possible if you know the skin type and the products to be used. The almond oil soap benefits help make this happen and make the soap one of the best soaps use daily because of its natural repairing and regenerating properties.


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No Scars is a product from Torque Pharmaceuticals, which aims to offer quality products for making lives of people better. Each product is manufactured to meet customer expectation and help in living a better life.

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No Scars is a product from Torque Pharmaceuticals, which aims to offer quality products for making the lives of people better. Each product is manufactured to meet customer expectations and help in living a better life. Commitment to excellence and continuous innovation backed by research and development is our objective. NO SCARS aims to offer you flawless skin free without any expensive treatments. It leaves the skin glowing and fresh and makes you an instant head-turner.

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