Creamcream for acne marksWhat can be the treatment options for acne scars | No Scars

May 21, 2021by admin0

You may wish to forget your pimpled past, but unfortunately, your face does keep in mind. Indeed, your face recalls it in the shape of scars. The scars are flat, raised, or even red, or depressed; acne scars don’t stand a chance against these fresh skin-smoothing treatments. Talking about the issue of acne, it may be a complex condition. You could be surprised to learn that there are extensive creams, face washes, and different soaps of No Scars for acne scars that work wonderfully for all skin types. 

It would help if you did not forget that acne breakouts may be frustrating, and these can also leave scars on your face and other zones of the body. Some people even find that acne scars are an undesirable reminder of a painful and bothersome condition. However, acne scars do not need to be permanent, as some home remedies and medical treatments can help get rid of them.

Acne Scars is a Common Condition 

Acne is an ordinary condition that affects around eighty percent of the teenage population to one level or another. It is most of the time activated and characterized by various factors, including Propionibacterium acnes activity, increased levels of sebum production, androgenic stimulation, even that of macrophage, lymphocyte, and even macrophages neutrophil inflammatory response, follicular hyper cornification, and also even activation.

It would help if you kept in mind that inflammatory acne lesions may end up in permanent scars. Scarring does come up early in acne and could even affect some ninety-five percent of patients with this ailment, linked with both its harshness and delay before treatment. 

For your information, these acne scars may get divided into three diverse kinds: atrophic, hypertrophic, or even keloidal. Talking about atrophic acne scars, these are the most general kind. The pathogenesis of atrophic acne scarring is most likely related to inflammatory mediators and enzymatic filth of collagen fibres and even that of hypodermic fat. 

Also, the standard system people atrophic acne scars into three main types: ice pick, rolling, and even boxcar scars. Then several treatments are even there to diminish the presence of scars. In case you think that a single treatment or remedy is going to help miraculously for everyone, then you are sorely mistaken. Treatment or cure of acne scars requires to be individually performed out and directed for each patient depending on the kind of scars present.

Kinds of Acne Scars You Should Know About 

Suitable and proper treatment options could differ slightly depending on the type of scarring that acne has triggered. There are mainly three sorts of acne scars:

Atrophic scars

These are the scars that look like small indentations in the skin. These scars come up when the skin does not make adequate fibroblasts in the healing process. Fibroblasts are cells that play a crucial role in wound healing and even the synthesis of collagen.

Hypertrophic scars

The scars emerge when the skin makes many fibroblasts as the acne spot heals, activating a raised scar.

Keloid scars

These scars are similar to hypertrophic scars but are much thicker than those of the original acne spot. These scars are usually darker than the surrounding skin and may be red or brown. Keloid scars may even trigger symptoms, like itchiness or also pain.

Remember that these acne scars could be an unwanted reminder of acne and may reduce self-esteem in many people, but these do not require to be permanent. Here are some things you may do to lessen and remove acne scars from your skin and life.

Work on your Stress Reduction-

Pressure has been on people since childhood these days. So, it would help if you tame your stress. Stress activates the adrenal glands to create extra androgen hormones that end up in inflamed acne breakouts in the acne-prone areas of the skin. These additional types of hormones aggravate sebaceous glands in the skin and activate an escape. The stress hormone link is quite an issue for women than for men as they generate most of their male hormones in that adrenal glands. 

Salicylic acid 

It is a naturally emerging compound that is mostly an ingredient in acne skin care products. Salicylic acid helps clear dirt, skin cells, and even that of other debris that leads to acne from the pores of your skin. It even aids reduce swelling and redness in the area, which may minimize the appearance of scarring. Salicylic acid is advantageous for all scar types. It makes an excellent addition to a day-to-day skincare routine for most folks who live with acne. Folks with sensitive skin must need to test a product containing this acid on a tiny skin area before they use it on their whole face, as it could activate dryness or irritation.

Work on your Diet 

 Researches have concentrated chiefly on foods that do provoke acne even worse. There are a couple of that can be the utmost culprits in enhancing breakouts. You may even avoid them for a week or so and find out if you get any relief. The things you need to dodge are Sugar, Cow’s milk, Junk food, High-glycemic foods, and even Fast food, and so on. Reducing or cutting out these bad foods would probably lead to clearer skin, mainly if you have often had them before. 

Take Green Tea 

It would help if you started drinking green tea because it is well-known for reducing inflammation in the body. It would help if you considered drinking a few cups every day apart from practising your topical skincare routine for a better approach. Don’t miss out that green tea is extensive in catechin that is antimicrobial and also aid in destroying acne-cause bacteria. It also possesses anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce the redness and irritation activated by acne most of the time.

Lactic acid

Then talking about lactic acid can act as a gentle peel to pull away dead skin cells. It could even aid reduce the appearance of scars and smoothen the general texture of the skin. Lactic acid may even help lighten dark scar tissue, although it at times triggers hyperpigmentation. Because of this likely adverse effect, it is better to test products that own lactic acid on a tiny patch of skin before you even use them to treat acne scarring. Remember, various products for acne own lactic acid. It is even present in thinned apple cider vinegar that makes for an entirely natural, inexpensive treatment.

Laser resurfacing

You know, diverse types of lasers (both ablative and non-ablative) get used to treat atrophic acne scars. Laser pulses assist in the renewed formation of elastin and collagen in the place of scars. Traditional ablative laser has been believed to be the most acceptable treatment for acne scars. Ablative lasers eradicate skin layers to eradicate the scars. You can also go for this treatment in case you wish. 


To sum up, since you know what you can do and how you must not miss out on these remedies and treatments for acne scars.


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No Scars is a product from Torque Pharmaceuticals, which aims to offer quality products for making the lives of people better. Each product is manufactured to meet customer expectations and help in living a better life. Commitment to excellence and continuous innovation backed by research and development is our objective. NO SCARS aims to offer you flawless skin free without any expensive treatments. It leaves the skin glowing and fresh and makes you an instant head-turner.

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